May the Blessed Virgin help men and women in our time clearly understand God’s plan for femininity. Called to the highest vocation of divine motherhood, Our Lady is the exemplary woman who developed her authentic subjectivity to the full. May Mary obtain for women throughout the world an enlightened and active awareness of their dignity, gifts, and mission.
John Paul II, Angelus Message June 18, 1995
As Cherry Blossom Buds Cycle Awareness Instructors, we share in the mission that Pope John Paul describes above in his Angelus Message. Like Our Lady, we are called to employ our gift of spiritual motherhood to lead mothers and their daughters into a deeper understanding and “active awareness” of the “dignity, gifts, and mission” of their femininity.
Cherry Blossom Buds Cycle Awareness Instructors teach cycle awareness programs and provide perimenopause education for mothers and their daughters. Our teacher training program will augment your skills with an enhanced understanding of the adolescent menstrual cycle, the menopausal transition, and our Church’s beautiful teachings on assisting parents in the task of fertility education.
The Cherry Blossom Buds Cycle Awareness Teacher Training Program is for Certified Natural Family Planning instructors trained in USCCB-approved methods.
Our Teacher Training Program is now open for individual enrollment.
Please fill out the application below.
Click here to fill out the application.
Click here to pay the application fee.
We would love to talk with you personally about our Teacher Training Program!