Page 22 - CBB Teacher Training Program Guide
P. 22
Beauty Revealed
your diocese, medical office,
NFP Center, or independent
business, and generate
Module 1 additional income.
The Beauty Revealed
Charting Booklet How does Cherry Blossom
Teaching Objectives Buds support its affiliates?
and Methodology
As a Cherry Blossom Buds
Module 2 affiliate, you will have access
The Beauty Revealed to the teaching and advertising
Embrace Book materials for all programs that
Teaching Objectives you are trained to teach. You
will also have an Instructor's
Profile on our webpage.
Module 3
Teaching Methods #1
Cherry Blossom Buds wants
The Home Instruction you to be successful in
teaching cycle awareness.
Affiliates may contact our
Module 4
Director at any time for
Teaching Methods #2
program support or
Seminar Format for for collaboration on
High School
chart reviews.