Page 12 - CBB Teacher Training Program Guide
P. 12
The Cherry Blossom Buds
Bloom Cycle Awareness Teacher
Training Program consists
of 3 phases: Core Training,
Bloom is designed for Program Training, and a
girls who are cycling, Supervised Practicum.
ages 11 to 15.
The program uses an
ovulation method The Core Training gives the
approach to enable girls instructor a thorough
to accurately determine
when their menstrual overview of the research that
period is due.
was used to create the Cherry
Bloom also includes Blossom Buds Cycle
nutritional guidelines
for a healthy cycle and Awareness Charting System,
introduces girls to God's augmenting her knowledge
plan for the feminine
design. of how the adolescent
menstrual cycle develops and
matures and giving her the
skills she needs to be able to
effectively navigate all 3 of
the Cherry Blossom Buds
Cycle Awareness Programs.
The Core Training also
augments the NFP
Instructor’s understanding of
the Stages of Reproductive
Aging and the Menopausal
Transition, preparing her to