Page 3 - CBB Teacher Training Program Guide
P. 3
and Values
Young women are growing up in a culture that
portrays to them a very distorted and confused
Eligibility definition of femininity. It is a culture, that, in
many ways, no longer sees innate differences
between men and women, a culture that fails to
Format of
see masculinity and femininity as complimentary
the Program and reciprocal ways of being a human person–each
with a unique and vital role to play, one dependent
Cost and upon the other. Learning about how the gifts of
fertility and femininity are innately intertwined is
an important and vital part of a young woman’s
journey of discovering who she is, created female
Affiliation in the image and likeness of God . . . Are you called
to help young women discover the beauty in how
they were created and reveal to them the great
Register dignity and mission of their femininity?