Page 5 - CBB Teacher Training Program Guide
P. 5

As Cherry Blossom Buds Cycle

       Awareness Instructors, we share

       in the mission that Pope John                                 The Cherry Blossom

       Paul describes in his Angelus                               Buds Cycle Awareness
                                                                       Charting System
       Message. Like Our Lady, we are                                  consists of 3 age-
                                                                       appropriate cycle
       called to employ our gift of                                  awareness programs

       spiritual motherhood to lead                                written for girls as they
                                                                        journey through
       mothers and their daughters                                         adolescence.

       into a deeper understanding                                            Blossom

       and “active awareness” of the                                            Bloom
                                                                        Beauty Revealed
       “dignity, gifts, and mission” of
                                                                          Each program
       their femininity.                                           incorporates principles

                                                                      from the Truth and
                                                                      Meaning of Human
       Cherry Blossom Buds Cycle                                   Sexuality (a document
                                                                  by the Pontifical Council
       Awareness Instructors teach
                                                                     for the Family) and is

       cycle awareness programs and                                specifically designed to
                                                                        meet the unique
       provide perimenopause                                         characteristics of the
                                                                   developing adolescent
       education for mothers and
                                                                        menstrual cycle.
       daughters. Our teacher training

       program will augment your

       skills with an enhanced

       understanding of the

       adolescent menstrual cycle,

       the menopausal transition,

       and our Church’s beautiful

       teachings on assisting parents

       in the task of fertility

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